


Weekly Report #03 Goodbye Sandstorm

The recent sandstorm in Beijing has been really outrageous. It dominated the whole week, but luckily it's already over by Friday. It has been a relatively relaxed week, mainly due to my period. If there is any technology that can free women from the torment of periods, it would truly be a blessing.

Personal Life:#
  1. My period arrived on time on Monday, accompanied by severe cramps and heavy bleeding. Ibuprofen couldn't save me, and there was no hot water, but Xiao Diao Li Tang (a traditional Chinese herbal medicine) helped me ease the pain a lot. Maybe it's because it warms up my stomach. Since I stopped taking Yousiming, the intensity of the cramps and the duration of my period have been increasing over time. Damn period!
  2. I was speechless after watching a new domestic drama called "Chang Yue Jin Ming". The plot is very intriguing, but the script is dumb. The editing is also choppy, skipping the important parts and focusing on slow-motion scenes. The actors' acting skills are not a big problem, but their overall appearance is average. After watching "Qing Qing Daily", a historical puppet drama with an attractive cast, I have become more picky about the appearance of historical puppets. The costumes and makeup are decent, but the special effects are really exaggerated, giving off a flashy but tacky vibe, like wearing Burberry while doing street dance. Despite these flaws, what keeps me watching is the development of the plot. Watching TV really wastes a lot of time.
  3. During dinner today, I watched "Angry Life". The scene that left the deepest impression on me was in the third episode when Danny couldn't help but cry uncontrollably in the church. Is it because of faith? Not necessarily. It seems that adults always need a reasonable reason and outlet to cry, otherwise crying is seen as a sign of weakness. Who deprived adults of the right to cry? Maybe it's ourselves.
  4. A friend came to my house a few days ago, and we watched a movie called "11:14". It's a 2003 film, and the opening scene is quite creative. The plot revolves around three interconnected crime incidents, all happening at exactly 11:14. If I were to watch it now, it wouldn't seem as intricate, and the emphasis on the time theme feels forced. But if it were watched in 2003, it would be quite impressive.
  5. I bought a new mouse. I originally planned to buy the Logitech 720, which is sufficient for simple office needs. However, Gou Dong (an online shopping platform) recommended a brand called Mi Shu. I had never heard of this brand before, but what attracted me was its appearance and the fact that it supports voice input. Besides, it has a 7-day return policy, so I thought I'd give it a try. After receiving it, I was quite amazed by its performance. The voice recognition accuracy is quite high. However, there are obvious drawbacks. Some of the mouse's button functions depend on software, and the app feels a bit rough.
  6. T3 (a game) really hurt me deeply. I can't accept the MVP algorithm, but despite that, Blizzard hurt me the most.
  7. It seems like the two cats at home had a conflict a few days ago. They are ignoring each other, with one staying in the room all day and the other staying in the living room. They basically don't meet unless necessary.
  8. One important sign of getting older is that not eating vegetables really causes constipation.
  9. This year's frequent sandstorms, I hope they can stop now.
Skill Improvement:#
  1. Communication with ChatGPT has greatly decreased this week. The development of the blog's functionality has come to an end, and I am satisfied with the current features and presentation.
  2. I read two books. One is a summary of Steve Jobs' autobiography called "Make Something Wonderful". I have to say that the AI's functionality is really powerful. It instantly translated the entire English book and displayed it in bilingual format. Although some translations are not detailed enough, the speed is already surpassing manual translation. I haven't finished reading it yet, but based on the current content, it overlaps a lot with "Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography". The other book is "How to Become an Imperfectionist". This book has similarities with Adler's thoughts and is quite good. I will also finish reading it next week.
  3. I started using Claude, which allows me to enjoy it without having to wait or be scientific, and the interaction speed is quite fast. It is not as good as gpt4.0, but it is on par with 3.5. After all, it's free to use, what more can I ask for? I made a simple video tutorial, and the number of views exceeded my expectations. It's fun to make simple tutorials for free, without the pressure of morality and capital.
  4. I also played a blockchain-based blog called Xlog. It's very easy to use, ready to use out of the box. It can be said that even if you don't know how to code, you can have your own exclusive blog. Compared to when I used Hugo, it's really much simpler. However, it was the process of setting up Hugo that made me understand some of the underlying logic, so now I can customize it to a higher degree.

A quote from "How to Become an Imperfectionist": "Once you make your feelings the deciding factor for whether or not to take action, you become a slave to your emotions. You can try various motivational techniques, but the ultimate result will be as unreliable as your emotions."

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